In Home & Garden

Backyard refurb complete! More Green Than we’ve seen in 20 years!

Installing Zoysia sod made a huge difference in backyard refurb project!

We got the sod on Friday, and MORE on Saturday, got it all installed, and the results are just unbelievable for our backyard rehabilitation. It’s so green! Doesn’t even look like our yard!

After getting five trucks of dirt, and building the stone pathway, it was time to put in the sod. We amended the soil with a huge pile (about three front loader buckets-full) of composted horse manure I had raked up in the barn more than a month ago, and tilled it in. We raked it smooth and started laying that sod. Also, not as young as I was last time I laid sod… but it was good honest work! Installing Zoysia sod made a huge difference in backyard refurb project!

Half the yard done on Friday night.
Jack “helping”.
Before tilling and amending the east half of the yard.
And, “voila!” Even cleaned up the porch some. on the still visible dirt (where Sadie, formerly Sadie the Wonderdog, is sitting,) we seeded with fescue. This area will still function as a driveable path down to the barn.

Don’t hate me because of this incredible oakleaf hydrangea! For years, it sat sullen under a huge hackberry tree that (now I realize) dropped nasty bug droppings on everything under it, coating all with a black mess. When the hackberry was removed, everything under it EXPLODED in growth. Lesson learned; hackberry trees are pretty much useless. And, they fall. This one was close enough to the house to be a risk, and it was ugly.

The true test: and Emma said it best – “Feels like Pop’s!”

She may never wear shoes again.

Path sanded. Fescue seeded. Border beds ready for some peat moss additive and plants!!

So who’s coming over to walk barefoot?

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