In Home & Garden

A Walk in the Park

Just a few pics from this morning’s walk in Tishomingo State Park with the dogs. Trying to get back to a regular walking schedule each morning, early, whenever it’s not raining. The dogs are SO EXCITED to support this effort!

The Friends of Tishomingo State Park have done such a great job beautifying parts of the park. This picnic table and old-timey daffodils are near the front office entrance.
Jack, being such a poser!

Ancient rock formations like these are some of the best features of Tishomingo State Park, and make them popular with hikers and climbers. The Park offers a unique landscape of massive rock formations and fern-filled crevices found nowhere else in Mississippi. Massive boulders blanketed in moss dot the hillsides, and colorful wildflowers border trails once walked by Native Americans.

We are so blessed our place borders the Park, so we usually walk from home down to the entrance and back home. Today we caught a ride down into the Park for a different view.

It’s always a challenge to keep Rosie out of the water, and we succeeded until the last creek… Looks like a Saturday morning of dog washing for me!

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